Guide: How to Keep Yourself Safe Keylogger Attacks
Keylogger can be a software program or hardware used by an attacker to record the keystrokes on a user’s keyboard. Using a keylogger, an attacker can remotely find out your passwords, credit / debit card numbers, messages, emails, and anything else you type. Keyloggers are software based rather than hardware as they require physical access to the device. Software-based keyloggers usually infect the system in the form of malware that a user may have downloaded by clicking on a malicious link, online or via email. Keylogging software runs in the background without notifying the user and will record each keystroke and then send it to an online server that the attacker can access. Also read: Follow these six crucial ones Tips to stay safe from viruses and malware. By searching the entire keylog history, anyone can gain insight into the websites you have visited and what information was entered where, giving you an easy way to access your credit card or internet banking information. The keyloggers are then used by malicious attackers to monitor your keystrokes and it is important to protect against them otherwise you will be vulnerable to the loss of your personally identifiable information including financial data.
How to Stay safe from keylogger?
While there are several tools available to find and tackle software keyloggers, there is no security software to identify a hardware keylogger.
Since keyloggers are essentially malware, an antivirus program that protects your PC in real time will do, but if you want extra protection, you can also use software like Zemana AntiLogger and SpyShelter Stop-Logger. The free version of Zemana only provides encryption for your keystrokes, which means that although the attacker can log your keystrokes, they will be presented to them in an encrypted and unreadable format. The free version of SpyShelter not only offers encryption, but also protects your PC from capturing to the screen or clipboard. Full versions of both software can be purchased for around $ 30. If you don’t want to use a keylogger, it is always recommended to use the online keyboard available on banking websites, which doesn’t leave any keylog traces. If you suspect that your keystrokes are being logged and none of this software can identify you or protect you from it, probably someone has a hardware keylogger sneaked into your PC. These hardware keyloggers usually come in the form of USB connectors. One end is connected to the keyboard and the other to the PC’s USB, and while everything is running smoothly, the hardware intercepts the keystrokes and passes them on to the attacker. The only way to get rid of a hardware keylogger is to check your PC for it. Also read: How to Protect your PC from remote attacks. While there isn’t a cent-percent way to provide protection in the case of malware and viruses, as attackers are always innovating new ways to steal data and an update to the protection provided by security software is usually followed by a successful exploit. It is always a good idea to protect yourself on the Internet by taking some basic but crucial precautions. While we have categorized keyloggers as a type of malware, their potential to do harm surpasses most of their malicious counterparts as information provided by keyloggers can allow the attacker to use your identity or bank accounts for their own needs.
How to Keep Yourself Safe Keylogger Attacks: benefits
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Final note
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