Guide: How to Attract New Clients towards you

When I first started my career as a web professional I thought I just needed to create great websites, then the phone would begin to ring with new business. Unfortunately, this was not the case at all. In fact, the more time I spent building these great websites, the less time I spent growing my business. I needed a way to bring in new potential customers while taking care of my current obligations and deadlines. Cold calling was out for me. I just didn’t have the time to make it work. Email marketing was out because I didn’t have a list yet. And then I found it: a three-step process to market dominance. In this article I am going to share it with you how to build an endless stream of new customers who will follow you.

Step 1: Create your cult

Ask yourself, “Who am I to become to draw my sect to me?” One of my favorite examples of a “Cult” follower is Apple. They were different from day one. They came up with marketing and messaging that tested the way we look at computers. For the Apple crew, their computers weren’t just workhorses, but works of art to be revered, even loved. Do you remember their most famous commercial: “Are you a Mac or a PC?” We still call ourselves that to this day! That is amazing. So, how do you go from nobody to someone? How do you get buy-in from your entire marketplace and get above the busy messaging? You just need to create your cult. It’s easier than you might think. Identify your perfect cult member. Question: “What is the right offer to convert my cult members?” Create great events, offers and downloads to give to your cult members. There are no real secrets to getting customers to chase you. But there are some strategies that actually work. One of these strategies is to stand for (or against) somethingI often refer to this as the “Cause” of a business. It’s about people gathering you What is the dirtiest secret in your industry? Give away your knowledge and inform your marketplace of how much you know by uncovering the industry’s dirty little secret (s). This is the best way to start creating your cult following. One more thing: when you create your cult – be who you are, be yourself. And especially, become the ultimate example of your brand

Step 2: Identify your cult’s problem

The single most important strategy to get customers to follow you is to profile them. View this post from Addison on how to create ideal customer profiles. Be as specific as possible as this will help you identify your cult’s problem from their point of view. Initially, your goal is to attract cult members, but now your goal is to prove to them that you understand the problem they are facing. This is not a new tactic. It is the oldest marketing tool in the book. Who wants to buy junk they don’t need, right? So prove it. Show your cult that you understand their problem – otherwise they will never trust your solution.

To understand the value of what you are going to offer your cult, there is a big difference between the actual value and perceived valueYou have to see the value of what you offer through their eyes, through the eyes of your cult members. Then offer them a solution that they cannot refuse.

Step 3: Offer your solution

One way to introduce your offer is to create demos or freebies that will help you generate leads from your cult followingYou can hold a free webinar or give away downloads on your site. There are probably 100 different things you can do to “advertise” your offering to your cult. Pick three and do them, and in the process turn your cult members into your customersRemember you still have to sell! After you get started, you will have an incredible amount of fun with this cult creation endeavor.

Finally, here are 4 friendly reminders to keep your customers coming:

  1. Model what works – Use tactics and strategies that are simple in your sales process. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.
  2. Make it easy – Whatever your listing, make it easy to buy. Forcing a customer to fill out two pages of an online form would be the opposite of simple.
  3. Crowds – Stay engaged and committed to your cause and your cult. Once you have a follower you should be able to sell and produce, it’s a good problem to have!
  4. Be true to who you are – Don’t try to be something or someone you are not. If you stay true to who you are, you will attract others who believe in the same things that your cult represents. I’d love to hear your comments and / or questions, make sure to post them below and I’ll do my best to answer them all. Start creating your cult now! Editor’s Note: This post was written by Jonathan Hinshaw for Jonathan has been building web solutions for clients in various industries at EBWAY Creative Solutions since 2006.

How to Attract New Clients towards you: benefits


Final note

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